drilling solids Mud cleaner

  Mud cleaner is a combination of a desilter and/or desander mounted on a vibrator with a fine mesh screen. The mud is fed into the inlet of the hydrocyclone (desaner and/or desilter) to separate the particles, and the bottom flow enters the fine screen, where the larger particles than barite are discarded and discarded. Mud cleaning systems are installed in mud systems in most drilling operations. It is usually located in the same location as the mud trap in the mud tank.
  The purpose of the mud cleaner is to remove drilling solids larger than SPARE. Prior to viscosity increase, mud cleaner can remove solids larger than 74-105 microns. Mud cleaner can effectively control the solid content of the weighted drilling fluid. Prevent differential pressure adhesion, adhesion sticking accident, reduce the thickness of filter cake on drill string and adhesion problem.
Lisa Ma
Website:  http://www.rlsykj.net/
Tangshan RuiLin technology Co., Ltd.


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